Doers (Ref: l1001)
- The New Democracy Project - Better government through modern communications
The New Democracy project is a consortium of influential leaders that advocate and support an overhaul of the style of democracy currently in
use in the United States. The overall impetus of the project is that the technology of the Internet can be used to increase the participation of the
citizens of the United States in their Government. In the initial stages of the project, an online system of referendums is created so that a citizen
can record or change their vote on a given issue by accessing a non-commercial website.
- Europe 2020
Think-Tank Europe 2020 (a non profit association under French law) has the general objective to promote the democratisation of
the European Union, an aim to which its contribution is two-fold: a work of sharp-edge anticipation of the political and institutional evolution
of the EU and the production/distribution of operational strategic recommendations.
- The Direct Democracy Center - It's time to re-examine ourselves
- MDD Movement for Direct Democracy
No rule by political parties - whether one or several - is or can be true democracy. Democracy can only be based on the will of citizens
as individuals. For the first time in history, this has become possible thanks to modern communication and computer technology.
- New Political System
DEMOCRACY is a much abused word today with party politics hi-jacking the concept for their own ends, which rarely , if ever, meet the
aspirations of the electorate. The model is presented as the UK, however, the principles can be applied anywhere, see or New Political System-USA
- Direct Democracy Campaign
20th century democracy meant a vote once every few years for MPs and councillors who then took all the decisions for us. In the 21st century
we can do better than that. The aim of the Direct Democracy Campaign is to improve the democratic process in the United Kingdom
through the introduction of a system of binding referendums, whereby either citizens or their elected representatives may launch public votes
to bring in new laws and policies, or to alter, or remove existing ones.
- National Initiative for Democracy
24 states allow citizens to initiate laws and amendments. This National Initiative empowers us to initiate laws and amendments from the
Federal to local level, and adds many improvements.
- The Carter Center
The Carter Center, in partnership with Emory University, is guided by a fundamental commitment to human rights and the alleviation of
human suffering; it seeks to prevent and resolve conflicts, enhance freedom and democracy, and improve health.
- Citizens' Initiated Referenda
Citizens' Initiated Referenda (C.I.R.) is not a political party, is not involved with any political party and espouses no political cause other than
the rights of all of us to have a more direct say in what is happening in Government.
Thinkers (Ref: l1002)
- Direct Democracy Forum
- C2D - Research and Documentation Centre on Direct Democracy
- Think Deeply
- Institute of Ideas
- Tikkun
- The Foundation for Ethics and Meaning
- The Foundation for Ethics and Meaning Task Forces
Task forces include: Law, Education, Mental/Behavioral, Physical, and Public health, Y2K, Community Support Circles, Work Issues/Corporate
Responsibility, religion and Spirituality, Media Watch, Environment, People-Centered globalization, and NGO/Coalition Building.
- Spirit at Work
- LUF Livung Universe Foundation
The Living Universe Foundation seeks to preserve the ecology of the Earth while colonizing the oceans and outer space, all as part of
humanity's attaining its highest possible scientific, humanitarian, and aesthetic development.
- The Co-Intelligence Institute
Innovations in Democracy aims to make available hundreds of innovative practices, ideas, experiments, organizations and references
useful for building wiser democracies that work for all. "Wiser democracies" are systems of politics and governance, of citizenship and
activism, which creatively engage more of our human capacities -- not only to better address today's pressing social and environmental
problems, but to help us build more desirable futures for ourselves and all the generations after us. As we build wise democracies, all the
good things people are trying to do for the world will become so much easier to accomplish.
- Open democracy is an online global magazine of politics and culture. We publish clarifying debates which help people make up their own minds.
We seek the finest writing, the strongest arguments, the most compelling views and truthful voices on key issues, great and small.
Tools (Ref: l1003)
Meeting places (Ref: l1004)
UK government sites (Ref: l1005)
EU sites (Ref: l1006)
Miscellaneous (Ref: l1007)
- Universal Declaration of Human Rights
- United Nations
- National Constitutions
- Core Vision and Founding Principles of Tikkun
- Calvert-Henderson Quality of Life Indicators
The Calvert-Henderson Quality of Life Indicators are a contribution to the worldwide effort to develop comprehensive statistics of national
well-being that go beyond traditional macroeconomic indicators. A systems approach is used to illustrate the dynamic state of our social,
economic and environmental quality of life. The dimensions of life examined include: education, employment, energy, environment, health,
human rights, income, infrastructure, national security, public safety, re-creation and shelter.
- Move Democracy in action
- Drudge Report
- Disinformation
Blogs (Ref: l1008)
QUESTIONS (Ref: l1099) (Contact us)
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- How can it be improved?
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