Essays & articles etc (Ref: i1001)
This is where we are going to present essays, articles, editorials and other substantial pieces of writing on subjects connected
with future government and ideas.
- (Ref: i2023) 27th May 2004 Don Tapscott
"Outdated democracy: We vote, they rule" Globe and Mail - Toronto -
Governance needs to get out of the horse-and-buggy age and go digital, ... I can't predict with certainty who is going to win the June 28
election, but I can guarantee that in one large respect, the election will be a major flop. Millions of Canadians won't vote. In the November, 2000,
campaign, an alarming 8.2 million voters boycotted the process.
- (Ref: i2022) 23rd May 2004 Josh Benson
"Citizen initiatives expanding power of powerful" Alameda Times-Star -
WHEN California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger ventured from his office in the state Capitol to attend a rally at a local Costco
store one day in late March, he was mobbed by the public and the media. The event, broadcast widely, had all the trappings of a
Schwarzenegger campaign stop. The governor wasn't looking for votes, though. He was looking for signatures.
- (Ref: i2021) 22nd May 2004 Daniele Papacella
"Swiss politics seeks new direction" NZZ Online -
Switzerlands politicians have been left scratching their heads after voters rejected government proposals for tax breaks, pension reforms
and a rise in Value Added Tax last weekend.
- (Ref: i2020) 19th May 2004 Jenny Johnson
"June ballot offers option to change local form of government" Ravalli Republic (Montana) -
In a truly unique democratic process, Montanans will get the chance to revamp local governments at the June 8 primary. Every 10 years,
county and municipal governments are required by law to ask voters if they want to look into altering their local form of government. And this is the year.
- (Ref: i2019) 9th May 2004 Douglas Belkin
"Town meeting tradition seen in decline" The Boston Globe -
Communities try creative ways to draw residents back to floor. The way Joseph Zimmerman sees it, town meetings --
those civic pillars of Yankee deliberation -- are in trouble. New Englanders are too busy to commit the time, too transient to
know the rules, too disaffected to invest the energy.
- (Ref: i2017) 8th May 2004 Graham Turner
" 'The EU? It's political suicide to mention it in Switzerland'" The Daily Telegraph (London) -
Last week, the European Trade Commissioner had a grim warning for Britain: if we vote against the EU constitution in the forthcoming referendum,
we could end up like... Switzerland. Graham Turner asked the Swiss exactly what this would mean.
- (Ref: i2015) 13th April 2004 Kate Folmar
"Petition business in boom time: Bevy of Initiatives have Collectors busy"
Mercury News. - Are paid initiative signature collectors upsetting the balance in favour of money again.
- (Ref: i2013) Daniel J. Elazar "The Use of Direct Democracy (Referenda and Plebiscites)
in Modern Government" Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs
- (Ref: i2011) 11th April 2004 Mary Anne Ostrom
"SJSU profs look back at historic recall election" The Mercury News
- (Ref: i2008) 8th April 2004 Melody Chen
"IRI experts praise, criticize March 20 referendum" The Taipei Times
- (Ref: i2007) 7th April 2004 Gregory Fossedal
"Legalize Wal-Mart" UPI
- (Ref: i2006) 7th April 2004 Sally Swartz
"More power to Martin voters" The Palm Beach Post
- (Ref: i2002) 7th April 2004 Dennis Myers "Sand in the gears"
or with Pahrump Valley Times
- (Ref: i2001) 3rd April 2004 Dave Downey "
2004 is wild initiative season" North County Times
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